Post, sleep, repeat: The life of an admin

Nope, I haven't forgotten about this blog! I know it has been months since my last entry, however the only reason why I haven't posted more often is simply due to a complete lack of motivation. Maybe I need to ask Normani for assistance... 😛 Okay, poor attempts at humour aside, that lack of motivation is something which has had an adverse effect on me carrying out my duties as an admin (and my humour so it seems!). 

I've generally enjoyed my overall experiences as an admin of my own forum. It has allowed me to get to meet a lot of people and I enjoy having conversations over a wide variety of topics. Just the fact that people take the time out of their days to visit my forum really does mean so much to me. However, I would be lying if I said that there weren't days where I wish I wasn't an admin. It can be a tiring and sometimes thankless role.

Just yesterday, I received a message from a banned member (via another forum) where I got called a ****** for deleting their most recent account on the forum. I'm sorry, but if you had not acted in an inappropriate manner on the forum, you wouldn't be in this mess. Don't go abusing me for something you were entirely responsible for. It's things like that which really grind my gears. Do people not realise that behind the username and avatar, they are speaking to another human being? Half of the things which are said on the internet would never be spoken about in face-to-face conversations.

There's some days where I honestly just don't feel like posting anything, but I do so begrudgingly, as I feel as though there is an expectation for me to post. I make responses in certain threads which I simply don't have an interest in at all. To me, that's one of the biggest downsides to being an admin. A lot of the time I feel as though i'm not adding much to a discussion and i'm posting just for the sake of it. That's probably an issue I need to address myself, but I know I wouldn't be posting as much if I didn't have the "admin" title attached to my name. I wake up in the morning, I post something. Before I go to sleep each night, I post something. It's a never ending cycle.

If I were to post this on Popedia or even on one of my social media platforms, i'm sure there would be others who would think of me as being a whinger and a sook. Look, this is just an avenue for me to share my true feelings over this and get it off my chest. I really don't give a shit if people mock me for it. There are times where I need to take off the "admin facade" and post what I truly think.
